Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Study about The Impact of Parental Separation

This study explores the impact of parental separation/divorce can have on a child's learning and development in the primary school classroom. The broad aim of the study was to explore teachers' classroom experiences of parental separation/divorce and its effect on teaching learning and development. The researcher aimed to gather an in depth and rich account of these experiences in the primary school classroom. This current chapter critically explores the most appropriate methods and tools that were used to gather data for this study. The researcher evaluates and outlines the design method undertaken, the participants that were involved and the materials that were used to gather the information and data relating to this study. Ethical considerations are also outlined in this chapter.3.2 Aims of the studyHaving reviewed the literature on the topic of ‘the effect parental separation/divorce can have on a child's learning and development' it is evident that there is a lack of Irish research conducted on the area. A breakdown in a family structure is becoming more common with 1 in every 10 marriages in Ireland ending in separation/divorce (Rainbow, 2018) with the figure of marriage separation rising from 116,194 in 2011 to 118,178 in 2016 (CSO, 2016). For this reason this study aims to provide an insight into the effect this breakdown in family structure is having on a child's learning and development. This study aims to investigate to what extent does parental/separation divorce has on a child's learning and development and if it has an effect on a child's emotions, behaviour, capacity to learn and concentration in the classroom and whether teacher's feel they have the adequate training to aid and help children during this change in their lives.3.3 Research DesignIn deciding on a research design for the study, the researcher considered both quantitative and qualitative approaches. According to (Patton ; Cochran, 2002) qualitative research ‘is characterised by its aims, which relate to understanding some aspect of social life, and its methods which (in general) generate words, rather than numbers, as data for analysis and seeks to build a holistic and narrative description of a social or cultural phenomenon (Gall, Borg & Gall, 1996). Qualitative approaches to research involve emerging questions and procedures, typically collecting data in the participants' setting, and analysing data inductively (Creswell, 2014). However, quantitative research ‘generally produces objective numerical data that are generated without influence on behalf of the researcher' (Denscombe, 2010). It emphasises precision and sets out to explain phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods, and seeks to minimise bias and maximise objectivity (Rubin ; Babbie, 2010). Therefore taking both methodologies into account the researcher decided on a mixed- methods methodology approach for the purpose of this research. The qualitative data provided an insight into the various ways children may be impacted by parental separation/divorce and the teachers own experiences and views in this area. On the other hand the quantitative data provided a numerical data insight into the extent of the way a child may be impacted by parental separation/divorce and the teachers own views and opinion's on the key area it can have an impact on and how prepared they feel they are to help a child through this change in their lives. In conclusion a mixed method approach enabled the researcher to gain rich and valuable information for the research and facilitated the research to achieve a full picture of the impact parental separation/divorce may be having on a child's learning and development in the primary school classroom.3.4 Data collectionIn order to collect the data the researcher interviewed 3 teachers who each taught different levels in the school; junior, middle and senior ends of the school. The interviews were face to face and semi-structured using open ended questions and all 3 interviews were voice recorded. In order for the research to be fully representative of the sample the researcher conducted the interviews on teachers who taught in 3 different schools incorporating both town and country schools. One participant was a teacher in a country school in 5th and 6th class, another participant was a teacher in a populated town school in 3rd and 4th class and the final participant was a junior and senior infant teacher in a small country school. The class sizes varied from 21 pupils to 32 pupils with each participant stating they had a variety of ethnicities and learning support needs in the class. The aim of the interviews was to focus on the participants' own experiences of the impact of parental separation in the classroom, and the researcher decided on an unstructured interview approach. The intention of the researcher was to build a rapport with the participants create a narrative about their subjective experiences of this area. During the interviews, many of the questions were spontaneous and built on the experiences of the teachers and their own opinions surrounding the area of parental separation/divorce and its effects it can have on a child's learning and development and the questions came as part of the natural interaction between researcher and participants. The unstructured approach allowed the researcher to ask questions as and when they were appropriate, and to further explore particular themes of interest the participant had. In order for the researcher to encourage a degree of consistency during the interview process among the 3 participants the researcher employed the use of an aide memoire to help guide the focus of the interview without disrupting the natural course of the discussion. The interviews were recorded and were later transcribed for analysis. The recording of the interviews enabled the researcher to interact fully with the participant through the full interview and also permitted the researcher to provide a full textual account of the entire interview and everything that was said and highlighted. In the same context the survey's created employed a non bias approach, using a broad array of questions in order to not direct or lead the participant and also to ensure that a full rich picture of the teacher's opinions and experiences are gathered. The survey was created online and included 8 questions. These 8 questions ensured to not be misleading and aimed to reflect a teacher's own views understanding and knowledge around the area of parental separation/divorce and the impact it can have on a child's learning and development.3.5 Data analysisThematic analysis was used in this study to analyse and interpret the data. This section provides an overview of th e thematic analytical method and outlines its procedural application to the data collected in this study. Thematic analysis is a comprehensive process where researchers are enabled to identify numerous cross references between the data and the research's evolving themes (Hayes, 1997). An inductive approach was therefore used to identify the themes. Similarly, (Marshall and Rossman, 2006) recommended that immersion in and familiarity with the research is an essential stage. Following this recommendation, the researcher transcribed each interview, thus familiarising herself with the data. Inductive analysis involved the process of discovering patterns and codes in the data (Patton, 2002). The researcher developed patterns by keeping notes on the transcripts that related to a fascinating and relevant point and used highlighters to link these codes together. It was important for the researcher to not have pre conceptions when conducting the interviews and analysing the surveys, consequently the researcher â€Å"has to explore and understand the social world through the participants' and their own perspectives; and explanations can only be offered at the level of meaning rather than cause† (Snape and Spencer as cited in Ritchie and Lewis, 2003, p. 23). As a result the researcher ensured that all the data collected was reliable and dependable to provide clear, concise and meaningful conclusions from the data.3.6 Ethical considerationsPrior to undertaking this study, ethical approval was sought and granted by the HiberniaCollege Ethics Committee. This study was therefore conducted to the highest ethical standards in line with the Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research (BERA, 2011). When considering the ethical considerations, data protection guidelines were taken into account by the researcher. The researcher ensured that all data will be stored safely and securely in encrypted data files and hard copies of transcripts will be kept in a locked filing cabinet and all other identifiable data such as the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of participants will be stored separate from other data collected in order to ensure anonymity and confidentiality is upheld. The participants were also informed in their consent letter that they had access to the data. Keeping in line with the guidelines the researcher ensured that each participant received a clear information letter about the research area and their role. It stated that anonymity and confidentiality will be ascertained at all times. Before each interview, the participants signed a consent form and also informed that they were permitted to end the interview process at any time they wished. The prospective participants were then given time to consider their participation, without any duress, and were later contacted by the researcher for their decision. Throughout the data collection process, all interactions were carried out in a respectful and considerate manner. Interviews were conducted in the spirit of partnership, without manipulation. The names participants were not used on interview recordings and transcripts, and any identifiable information was stored separate from this data. Throughout the data collection and data analysis the researcher ensured complete commitment, reliability and integrity. In accordance to Hibernia College Dublin the data will be kept for three years after the completion of the dissertation. The researcher will ensure that the data collected is only used for the purpose for which it was gathered and will not be shared with a third person.3.7 LimitationsFirstly, the lack of experience the researcher had on conducting interviews arose as a possible limitation for conducting the research and collecting the data. In order for the researcher to gain experience and confidence in conducting interviews the researcher performed mock interviews with 3 student teachers. The mock interviews ensured that the researcher would not highlight opinions or response through facial expression and also show no bias towards the interview questions and topic (Bryman, 2004; Cohen et al., 2005 ; Reynolds, 1979). This aided the researcher when conducting the interviews with the 3 teachers to collect the data. Secondly, the interviews were semi-structured and conducted with teachers from 3 different schools. This took up a lot of time and had additional drawback on travel costs. Finally the online surveys also had its disadvantages. As the surveys were online a lot of people (teachers) tend not to take the time to complete them in comparison to a hardcopy. As a result it took longer than expected for the researcher to get back the quota of answers that was needed to give an accurate representation of the data.3.8 ConclusionIn conclusion, this chapter provided an analysis on how the researcher collected the data, taking into consideration the most appropriate methodology for this study. The researcher chose to use a mixed methods approach to collect and analysis the data collect during this research as it gives a layer of depth and validity to the research. The data collection methods complimented each other and provided valuable findings which will be presented in the next chapter. The interview process and survey analysis will allow the researcher to gain an insight into the opinions and experiences of teachers from different backgrounds, various areas and different class levels. Following the chosen appropriate methodology, the researcher took into consideration the participants, materials, method design, ethical considerations and data analysis. The participants in the study gave their informed consent to the research, their anonymity and confidentiality maintained, and they will have access to the data and findings if desired. The participants of the interview were made feel comfortable during the interview process using the appropriate interview skills. The next chapter will outline the main findings of the present research which utilised a mixed-methods approach.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Oedipus by Thomas Blackburn Essay

There are many levels of pain, some of which are discomfort, grief, and agony. In his poem â€Å"Oedipus†, Thomas Blackburn uses diction, imagery, and organization to create a tone of suffering that truly exemplifies pain at its greatest, as well as a tone of feebleness and impotence. From the beginning of the poem, Blackburn’s diction suggests Oedipus’s immorality and wretchedness. For example, Oedipus’s shadow is â€Å"monstrous†, representing his horrific past and future as a monster. However, Oedipus is soon transformed into a powerless and blind being. The poem describes Oedipus as he â€Å"gropes† and â€Å"stumbles†, signifying his weakness and the effects of his self-inflicted blindness and handicap. The diction is very significant, as it provides insight on the actual story. Near the conclusion of the play, Oedipus is weak and blind not only to the physical world, but to the truth as well, resulting in his mother hanging herself, as seen in the poem in, â€Å"and let this woman on the strangling cord†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . In the second to last line of the poem, Blackburn symbolizes Oedipus’s degeneration into death by discussing an ape’s â€Å"carcass†. The dead body of the animal shows Oedipus’s final stage in life, from his powerful position in the â€Å"palace† to the carrion of the â€Å"desert†, and supports the tone of suffering and impotence. The many stages of Oedipus’s nature, from his wickedness to his gloom, are effectively portrayed through Blackburn’s use of imagery. Blackburn quickly introduces the depravity of Oedipus, who has â€Å"the odour of her body on his palms.† This image refers to Oedipus, who sleeps with his mother and wife, Jocasta. Yet, without knowing the story, the image created is sinful itself in nature by the mood created by the â€Å"odor of her body†, which appears both sexual and sensual. In the next stanza, Blackburn depicts Oedipus as he â€Å"gropes for the sage’s lips.† This symbolizes Oedipus’s realization of the truth, which Teresias, the â€Å"sage† has told Oedipus. Upon piecing all the clues and knowledge together, Oedipus knows that he has been ignorant and avoiding his inevitable fate. With Oedipus acknowledging the truth, Blackburn leads to the dominant image of Oedipus as he suffers the consequences of his unwise actions. After Oedipus is banishes from the land, he is seen as a â€Å"newly born† with his daughters â€Å"leading him with childish  hands.† The reader can instantly envision Oedipus as a child crawling through the desert, with his daughters ironically portrayed as his guardians. Oedipus loses the sense of sight and turns into a powerless creature with no spirit, represented by a child that is associated with a figure that is new to the world and knows nothing, including the truth, in Oedipus’s case. Thus, the usage of imagery develops Blackburn’s tone of suffering as Oedipus progresses toward what his fate has decreed. Organization throughout the poem helps to portray and lay emphasis upon certain areas where Blackburn’s message about the fall of Oedipus and fate is evident. Analysis of the overall poem shows a decrease in Oedipus’s character. He is first portrayed as a monster in the palace walls, but as the poem progresses, Oedipus’s fall into destruction progresses as well. He begins to desperately seek the truth and when it is found, Oedipus becomes a helpless and weak creature. Similarly, the beginning to the poem depicts Oedipus as he indulges himself in his desires. However the ending of the poem shows â€Å"prophetic birds† flying overhead, symbolizing fate and how Oedipus eventually falls into submission and lowers himself as a person. The chronology also adds to the tone by allowing readers to slowly develop an understanding of Oedipus’s suffering and pain. The placement of Oedipus’s demise at the end also adds emphasis to the message, since it is the last stanza that the reader reads and will remain in the reader’s mind the longest. It is clearly evident that the special organization of the poem helps to support the tone and message conveyed to the readers throughout the writing. From the introduction to the end, Blackburn constantly provides support for the tones of suffering and weakness. Through diction such as â€Å"helpless†, imagery of Oedipus’s demise in the desert, and organization that created emphasis on certain clues, the tone and message is easily identified. Oedipus was truly a tragic story involving the fall of a king to a blind and powerless child, with the sad, horrific, and painful understanding of truth and fate integrated to create a dramatic play.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nvq Level 3

Google search Keeping safe and protecting vulnerable adults from harm and abuse All adults should be able to live free from fear or harm and have their rights and choices respected. To help people who may be being abused or suspect that abuse is happening,  we have published  Ã¢â‚¬ËœKeeping Safe and Protecting Adults' which you can download from this page. It gives more information about types of abuse  and what to do if you suspect abuse. You can also  visit the York Safeguarding Adults website What is adult abuse? There are many different types of abuse, see pdf on this page.It may: * be physical or sexual * involve taking money without permission * include bullying or humiliating * include not allowing contact with friends and family * involve withholding food or medication Abuse can be the result of a single act or may continue over many months or years. Abuse can be accidental, or a deliberate act. An abuser may be  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ a relative, a partner, someone paid to provi de care and services, a volunteer, a neighbour, a friend or stranger. Abuse can happen anywhere: * at home * in a care home * in hospital * in sheltered housing * in supported living centres at day centres and other day services * outside in a public place How can I tell if abuse may be happening? Adult abuse is not always easy to identify as sometimes the nature of the abuse is not visible and/or often the person being abused is afraid to speak out. However, there are some more common signs of abuse, see pdf attached to this page, which if seen may suggest that abuse has occurred. Which adults are vulnerable to abuse? Some adults are less able to protect themselves than others and some have difficulty making their wishes and feelings known. This may make them vulnerable to abuse.They may also be vulnerable because they are in need of community care services due to mental health problems, physical or learning disability, age or illness. In York we are working together with  the Po lice, local Councillors, Health and local independent and voluntary sector organisation to improve and develop further services to keep vulnerable adults safe. We are all  committed to preventing the abuse of adults and responding quickly when abuse is suspected. How can I report adult abuse? If you are being abused, or you suspect someone else is being abused contact us on 01904 555111  or North Yorkshire Police on   0845 60 60 247.By reporting abuse you are alerting the council or the police to concerns which may affect more than one person. There is a form which has been designed to help anyone who may suspect abuse is happening and wants to report it. The form is called the Alerters Form, see pdf attached to this page, and is a useful guide to the information that we or the Police will need to know when an incident of abuse is reported. You should also give your name so that we can keep you informed. We will not share your name without your permission. We will then investi gate your concerns and take appropriate action.You can also share your concerns with a Doctor, Nurse or Health Worker, Housing Officer or advice centre (CAB) and ask them to contact us for you. For domestic abuse you can also contact the Independent Domestic Abuse Services email: [email  protected] org. uk web address www. idas. org. uk or telephone 03000 110 110. Adults in care If you are concerned about the quality of care provided by a nursing home, residential home, or domiciliary provider you should contact the  Care Quality Commission  on tel: 0300 061 6161. See the  Care Quality Commission  website for more information www. cqc. rg. uk   How do we respond to adult abuse? In 2007, The City of York Council  endorsed the Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. This framework is intended to ensure a consistent response so that various agencies can work together more effectively. This policy is available to download on the right hand si de of this page. What is ‘No Secrets’? This is government guidance issued in 2000, encouraging social services authorities to work with other agencies to develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure protection of vulnerable adults.In 2008, the government began a national consultation exercise to review the No Secrets guidance. The consultation has recently ended and any recommendations for changes are expected later this year. What is  the York Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board? Prior to 2008, there was a City of York and North Yorkshire Adult Protection Committee with the main objective ‘to protect adults from abuse by effective inter-agency working'   As part of a review of the multi-agency policy, it was recognised that the interests of people in York would be better served by a local multi-agency group.So, in 2008, the York Safeguarding Adults Board was set up, with the remit to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse and harm by effective in ter-agency working. The Board membership is made up of lead officers from social services, the police, health, housing,  the independent care sector, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Care Quality Commission and voluntary organisations.It meets quarterly to consider new developments in adult protection, review the way that the policy is carried out locally and to agree appropriate funding and training. Help for adults * Carer's assessment of need * Disabled bus pass * Educational benefits * Home care service * Out of hours social services support * Safeguarding vulnerable adults * Residential care * Respite care * Sheltered housing * Support for adults with HIV * Supporting people team Nvq Level 3 Google search Keeping safe and protecting vulnerable adults from harm and abuse All adults should be able to live free from fear or harm and have their rights and choices respected. To help people who may be being abused or suspect that abuse is happening,  we have published  Ã¢â‚¬ËœKeeping Safe and Protecting Adults' which you can download from this page. It gives more information about types of abuse  and what to do if you suspect abuse. You can also  visit the York Safeguarding Adults website What is adult abuse? There are many different types of abuse, see pdf on this page.It may: * be physical or sexual * involve taking money without permission * include bullying or humiliating * include not allowing contact with friends and family * involve withholding food or medication Abuse can be the result of a single act or may continue over many months or years. Abuse can be accidental, or a deliberate act. An abuser may be  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ a relative, a partner, someone paid to provi de care and services, a volunteer, a neighbour, a friend or stranger. Abuse can happen anywhere: * at home * in a care home * in hospital * in sheltered housing * in supported living centres at day centres and other day services * outside in a public place How can I tell if abuse may be happening? Adult abuse is not always easy to identify as sometimes the nature of the abuse is not visible and/or often the person being abused is afraid to speak out. However, there are some more common signs of abuse, see pdf attached to this page, which if seen may suggest that abuse has occurred. Which adults are vulnerable to abuse? Some adults are less able to protect themselves than others and some have difficulty making their wishes and feelings known. This may make them vulnerable to abuse.They may also be vulnerable because they are in need of community care services due to mental health problems, physical or learning disability, age or illness. In York we are working together with  the Po lice, local Councillors, Health and local independent and voluntary sector organisation to improve and develop further services to keep vulnerable adults safe. We are all  committed to preventing the abuse of adults and responding quickly when abuse is suspected. How can I report adult abuse? If you are being abused, or you suspect someone else is being abused contact us on 01904 555111  or North Yorkshire Police on   0845 60 60 247.By reporting abuse you are alerting the council or the police to concerns which may affect more than one person. There is a form which has been designed to help anyone who may suspect abuse is happening and wants to report it. The form is called the Alerters Form, see pdf attached to this page, and is a useful guide to the information that we or the Police will need to know when an incident of abuse is reported. You should also give your name so that we can keep you informed. We will not share your name without your permission. We will then investi gate your concerns and take appropriate action.You can also share your concerns with a Doctor, Nurse or Health Worker, Housing Officer or advice centre (CAB) and ask them to contact us for you. For domestic abuse you can also contact the Independent Domestic Abuse Services email: [email  protected] org. uk web address www. idas. org. uk or telephone 03000 110 110. Adults in care If you are concerned about the quality of care provided by a nursing home, residential home, or domiciliary provider you should contact the  Care Quality Commission  on tel: 0300 061 6161. See the  Care Quality Commission  website for more information www. cqc. rg. uk   How do we respond to adult abuse? In 2007, The City of York Council  endorsed the Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. This framework is intended to ensure a consistent response so that various agencies can work together more effectively. This policy is available to download on the right hand si de of this page. What is ‘No Secrets’? This is government guidance issued in 2000, encouraging social services authorities to work with other agencies to develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure protection of vulnerable adults.In 2008, the government began a national consultation exercise to review the No Secrets guidance. The consultation has recently ended and any recommendations for changes are expected later this year. What is  the York Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board? Prior to 2008, there was a City of York and North Yorkshire Adult Protection Committee with the main objective ‘to protect adults from abuse by effective inter-agency working'   As part of a review of the multi-agency policy, it was recognised that the interests of people in York would be better served by a local multi-agency group.So, in 2008, the York Safeguarding Adults Board was set up, with the remit to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse and harm by effective in ter-agency working. The Board membership is made up of lead officers from social services, the police, health, housing,  the independent care sector, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Care Quality Commission and voluntary organisations.It meets quarterly to consider new developments in adult protection, review the way that the policy is carried out locally and to agree appropriate funding and training. Help for adults * Carer's assessment of need * Disabled bus pass * Educational benefits * Home care service * Out of hours social services support * Safeguarding vulnerable adults * Residential care * Respite care * Sheltered housing * Support for adults with HIV * Supporting people team

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Study on Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing Assignment - 1

A Study on Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing - Assignment Example These include quality control measures, selecting the best machines for production, maintaining higher levels of security, being potent in project management and proper maintenance of tools and equipments among other strategies. This paper addresses the case evaluation of Toyota and Total quality management by looking at the TQM methodologies and tools, some of the steps that were required in developing TQM at Toyota, how it was implemented at the company, how it worked, TQM criticism and finally how the company responded to the new plan of management. Total Quality management (TQM) is a management structure that mainly intends at improving production standards by using the already existing organs, for example, quality control (Besterfield, 2011). It is organized into four levels; Plan, Do, Check and Act, which is commonly abbreviated as PDCA. At the first level, Plan, there is identification of an issue, could be a challenge or a problem with all the relevant information concerning it not leaving out the problem,s main cause. It then develops further to the Do level where possible solutions are looked into. These further progresses into checking where the concerned parties do data comparison before it moves to the final stage where recommendations to the problems are done (Rawlins, 2008). Toyota motors is one of the companies that has successfully implemented Total Quality Management to ensure high quality products that serves their clients with contentment hence leading to success of the company, including the success of the soc iety. These refer to an accurate system used to justify a state of event or situation, which can be used in data analysis and, in turn, lead to accurate decision-making. Some of the tools and methodologies that are employed by TQM are the management tools, quality control tools and the improvement cycle, which is commonly referred to as PDCA (Besterfield, 2011). In ensuring that the production level at Toyota

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Principles of Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Principles of Economics - Assignment Example This is a factor that will result in students missing on the services and others will opt to park out of school wile others will be forced to use other means of transportation that are likely to inconvenience them more. Employed students will feel the pinch the most. Their time will be wasted with most of them opting for external parking. Unemployed students have adequate time to look for parking and if not for the rush to class, they will be the greatest benefactors of the lowered parking prices. Opportunity cost refers to the loss of one alternative when the other is chosen. 100 bats are equivalent to the production of 400 rackets. Producing an additional 100 bats will thus result in the loss of 400 rackets. The larger trade off is brought about by the equal rate of producing the two items in the second scenario. While the other will result in the loss of more rackets, the second scenario results in the loss of 100 rackets. This is more admissible than in the first case. f. Suppose Athletic Country is currently producing 200 bats and 200 rackets. How many additional bats could they produce without giving up any rackets? How many additional rackets could they produce without giving up any bats? (4 Marks) The production of equal number of the two simply results in equal number of either item in case of a trade-off. In this scenario, one bat or racket traded off results in the loss of one racket or bat preferred over the other. This type of production is efficient as it ensures effective returns for the capital invested. In case of an increased demand on either of the two, the firm simply halts the production of the other thereby maximising on the capital. In order to reduce smoking, the government places an additional tax of  £2 on a pack of twenty cigarettes. After one month, while the price to the consumer has increased a great deal, the quantity

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organisational Culture of Oral Smooth Plc Essay

Organisational Culture of Oral Smooth Plc - Essay Example It is the process of establishing the empire of business by a series of strategies viz. executing the business concept, promotion, services, goods, pricing, equal and effective idea generation to generate healthy relationship to meet the organizational and personal objectives (Harris, 1994). We can analyse the situation by strategically approach to the business of Oral Smooth Plc. Oral Smooth Plc is based in London; an innovative company produces tooth pastes for smokers. In the past, Product Diversification and Customer Care do have due attention from the management experts. Today it has become a powerful tool for the consultants to enhance the managerial efficiency. Edgar Scheins theory also caters the same effect to better the performance of the organisations. Objective of the study Oral Smooth Plc is having its presence in every part of the UK. The product diversification always enables the company the market leader of the sector without any challenges. Here Oral Smooth Plc wants to put their business mark in UK as a part of diversification in the business. We would like to know the differences, similarities and the difference within the organization, how the organization manages his employees and the process to ensure successful service delivery and customer satisfaction. Organizational culture of the company using Edgar Scheins theory The particular theory focuses on an organisational culture ethics the system. Scheins says that culture is the basic factor for change in an establishment (Campbell, 2003). The thorough understanding about the organisational dynamics starts with this fact. In order to have a strong and dominant leadership Scheins suggests 3 levels of culture (Black, 2003). They are, 1. Artifacts (this can be very easily seen just like our outfits and not very easy to decipher) 2. Espoused values (Philosophies and targets) 3. Assumptions (unconscious beliefs) Scheins also suggest, group dynamics for a better leadership in organisational cultu re. He says that small groups function within a particular group culture in the similar way firms function within the culture of the firm. His model categorise informal groups into 3. 1. Vertical cliques containing different ranks in the same section/dept 2. Horizontal cliques containing similar ranks 3. Mixed cliques containing members of various depts. Here we can implement the Schein management theory for the better performance of the firm. To Biech, Elaine 1998, Culture envelops us in fully. They are, pervasive and complex. Hence as per Scheins we cannot understand Organizational development and planned change, if not we consider it as the main origin of resistance to change. Furthermore, Biswas & Twitchell (1999) remarks that if management consultants are not in a position to understand about culture, naturally they will handle the situation and such embedded culture will manage them .In fact cultural awareness is everything for a society to know but as far as leaders are conce rned, they are the top-notch community to learn this properly as they are to lead the society. To Block (1999), with his Three categorisation of Culture, Edgard Schein has contributed much to make the management practitioners aware what culture is. The plan Oral Smooth intends to ensure its monopoly across the country by their corporate strategic management. So as a first and prime step they want to organise a good campaign to make the event more noticeable there in the country. They wish to make it reorganised their marketing presence within a short time period. A clear but brief background of the two markets, with a

Frolicking animal scroll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Frolicking animal scroll - Essay Example "Generally speaking, Japanese picture scrolls can be divided into two main categories: religious scrolls, usually made for some didactic purpose, and non-didactic scrolls, the aim of which is purely to entertain." (Okudaira, p. 164) As their historical significance is often put into question as to if they are actually being satirical of the priesthood, in this case Buddhism, would not give proper credence to what the scrolls are meant to depict. Perhaps the virtuosity of what the scrolls depict cannot be properly translated for modern theorists in their understanding of religious entities such as the Buddhist priests. During the 12th and 13th century, the Buddhist priest were looked upon by many as the epitome of the religious monarchism and that they should not be depicted as mere mortals. Buddhist priests, in the viewpoint of many western cultures of the time, were no doubt placed on the same level as mysterious practitioners of eastern religious figures as the Dali Lama and should be revered as such. As Buddhist clerics and priests were often celebrated, the depiction of the animal scrolls, four in total, shows the entertaining side of the Buddhist priests and thus might prove a contentious issue with respect the priests interacting with laypersons. "The first scroll, portrays monkeys, rabbits, frogs, etc. which seem to be playfully impersonating human beings. ... "The first scroll, portrays monkeys, rabbits, frogs, etc. which seem to be playfully impersonating human beings. The second scroll pictures horses, cows, hawks, eagles, lions, tigers, dragons, etc. in their natural forms; real and imaginary animals are intermingled. The third scroll is divided into two parts, with Buddhist priests and laymen enjoying games of chance in the first part, and with monkeys, rabbits, and frogs sporting in imitation of human beings in the second part. The fourth scroll, similar to the first half of the third scroll, shows Buddhist priests and laymen at play." (Okudaira, p. 173) This is perhaps where the conception of the scrolls being satirical in nature with respect to the priesthood as it is hard to understand how and why priests would be interacting in playful activities with laypersons. It may also be conceivable that through interpretation by western cultures from what the scrolls depicted may have in fact been misinterpreted with respect to how those two centuries viewed their religious figures. A Difference of Opinion As much of our translations and interpretations of historical artifacts are done by western cultures, there may in fact be a difference of opinion as to what is being interpreted. From the limited resources available about these historical artifacts, it is evident that the painters of those times may have shown us a different viewpoint of what occurred during this cultural period. It would seem that not only are the members of the priesthood, the Buddhists, revered and held to high standard, but they were in fact leaders of the community that would interact with the general public. As many believe that the painting of the scrolls came from China and entered into Japan during the Han dynasty, it

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cultural Experience of Boise Art Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural Experience of Boise Art Museum - Essay Example Museum houses worthwhile collection of centuries old Bosque community. Masterpieces of artwork pertaining to prehistoric era are also part of the museum. More than 13000 students from different parts of the world seek arts education from this museum. Boise art museum comprises of art galleries, paintings, sculptures and artwork on cultural values of Idaho and surrounding areas. Boise art museum is consistently working on exhibitions. Exhibitions held in past helped museum to earn name and at the same time impart quality arts education to the art lovers. Museum has also focused on increasing permanent collection and on acquisition of new artwork as well. The museum’s administration is interested in increasing exhibitions, increasing attendance, expansion of community engagements, promotion of culture of surrounding areas and advancement in art education. Boise art museum has also planned to provide more space for art galleries on their web site. Therefore, the improvement work on the web site is in hand, to make it more versatile in future. Mexican art is well known in the world due to its unique Culture. Permanent collection mostly focuses on the American art. American artwork presents the live, colour and habits of the people. More than 2300 artworks present the American culture of 20thcentury. Mexican old and new art is part of permanent collection of the museum. Comparison of old and new art reflects change in old culture, people and technologies. Efforts are continuously been made to decorate the museum with new acquisitions. Artworks of different painters and sculptors are being added to the art gallery of the museum. Geoffrey Krueger has become a great artist in a very short time. He is a mid career artist of Idaho. Shotgun is very well known series of paintings because it leaves many questions for a visitor to answer. Geoffrey Krueger beautifully shows interior and exterior of an object in paintings. The visitor than has to answer the differences between normal home and a natural world. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Charles gill and Robert Colescotte are the artists whose works have been made part of the museum gallery. Museum managed to organize number of exhibitions in the past. R.G.Degas was a French sculptor. Sculptors made by R.G Degas were exhibited in 2004. Display of about 73 sculptors made this exhibition a unique one for the viewers. William Morris is known for his glass work. 20 sculptors were displayed in an exhibition in 2004. Sculptures included the subjects of myth, culture and animals. This exhibition helped viewers to learn about the culture of the area. Current exhibitions are mostly focusing on the northwest region. The artists are also amply highlighting environmental and global issues in the present day exhibitions. Museum organizes six biennial exhibitions to educate high school students. Museum educational department plays active part to make the students better professionals. Numbers of exhibitions have been pl anned in near future. â€Å"Comic at the crossroads† exhibition will test the 40 artists of northwest. Displaying of comic styles and paintings for amusement will be the main feature of the talented artists. Catherine has done a great work on â€Å"American 19th century penmanship workbooks†. Exhibition is scheduled to be held in may 2011. She is aiming at the use of layered colour compositions in order to give a new touch to her paintings. An exhibition on footwear will be held

Saturday, August 24, 2019

English Composition II Unit 5 Individual Project Essay

English Composition II Unit 5 Individual Project - Essay Example In my opinion, referring to the internet as a waste of time is unacceptable since it has more merits than demerits. Reasons why the Internet is considered advantageous One of the many reasons the internet is advantageous is that the internet is highly informative. It serves millions of people both at home and in the world of business. Users of the internet are able to receive current trends and news that affect their lives both locally and globally. For instance, corporations are able to access real time market status hence adjust their corporate strategies within the shortest time. In addition, most researchers, apart from their field or laboratory work, acquire statistics and facts via the internet. Most individuals lacking access to the internet end up gaining information after a long period and acquire very little of that information. Over the years, people have saved a lot of time in research due to the availability of the internet. For example, individuals get loads of informat ion required for their research easily through the internet instead of wasting much time in libraries searching from historical books or articles. In addition, the internet gives individuals opportunities of learning and researching from an unlimited number of resources online whereby there is provision of different summaries. In the current world, businesses are conducted online and this feature has significantly improved on time management. The major improvement in the business world is the online buying and selling of goods and services. For instance, boutiques display their products online using their blogs and interested customers shop online. In addition, interviews in most businesses are conducted online whereby the interviewees send their Curriculum Vitaes and related documents hence making the selection much easier. Internet use boosts self-development. People are able to share their ideas and talents largely via the internet. Talented individuals display their work in audi o, video, and written forms and can improve on their skills due to the criticism provided via comments and blogs. They develop their talents and boost their esteem through the positive criticism they receive. Civic awareness is important for all individuals and is widely gained through the internet. Civilization of individuals is automatic for internet users thus saving time on awareness campaigns. Internet sites enhance making friends, a major part of everyday social life, for example through twitter. The internet serves as a tool for communication with the main communication tool being the Email. The Email accelerates information transfer resulting to faster communication hence a lot of time is saved. Many internet social sites such as face book, twitter, and my space enhance fast travel of information. For instance, information about any calamity in the world can reach all internet users via a single face book update. Therefore, users both locally and internationally are able to update each other on current happenings instead of reading from news articles or watching televisions. This mode of communication saves money, as these sites are very cheap to access as well as time since the internet is fast and highly effective. For the above reasons, the internet cannot be considered a diminishing community activity but a mode of information trans

Friday, August 23, 2019

Article Review (human resource management) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review (human resource management) - Article Example e, the best performing companies are in a league of organizations that have shifted their focus from development and expansion of facilities to personal development. These include McDonald’s, General Electric, American Express, among others. In a survey carried out by Chief Executive Magazine involving more than 300 global firms, almost all respondents ranked identifying and finding the right leaders as the biggest challenge, with prospects of demand for leadership increasing to the future (Maxwell, 2006). This implies that companies in addition to experiencing challenges in creating a pipeline of leaders within their operations have also to develop new skills and capabilities in accordance with business transformations, investing in leading technologies, and globalizing their operations, in addition to entering into new challenging partnerships. Sam Palmisano, President and CEO of IBM explained that the biggest challenge for companies in embracing globalization, and the main aspect that drives businesses in the current sophisticated market is and has been obtaining and retaining a supply of â€Å"high value skills† (Palmisano, 2006). This explains the strategic decisions by leading companies such as MacDonald’s to review development of the leading 200 managers in ensuring their talents are in tandem with the current market dynamics, and finding ways of imparting more skills to make them more competitive; this puts them in line with the current management demands in a highly dynamic global market. On the other hand, maintaining a high degree of strategic, cultural, and internal fit within an organization ensures such an organization has a perfect system of practices; an organization must not only focus on talent management, but has also to take interests in â€Å"organization learning and knowledge management† (Evans, Pucik & Barsoux, 2002). Therefore, companies will always attain a competitive advantage not only in designing best pr actices, but because

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Public education vs. home school Essay Example for Free

Public education vs. home school Essay Deciding which is better between public education and home schooling may often cause a debate. There are similarities between them, such as both being a good source of education for students. However, there are a few differences. For instance, home schooled students may graduate earlier than public schooled students while public school has more to offer. Even though home schooling has an advantage, public education is a better educational experience because of the opportunity, social skill development, and the things a student can learn from being in a class size of more than one. While home school may give a student the opportunity to graduate early, public schooling offers many more memories and opportunities that the students will cherish. When attending public school, students are given the opportunity to earn scholarships to help them further their education and continue working on their talents, depending on which way they earn their scholarship. They are given different ways to earn them such as playing sports, getting good grades, and being involved in musical activities. A student attending public school gets a chance to make priceless memories that they cannot get back. The ways that they can earn scholarships also play a part in creating memories. It is going to be a great feeling to be able to look back and tell stories to their loved ones. They will want to share how they got trophies and so much school recognition when they were the starting quarterback or the number one batter on the softball team or even the drum major for the high school band. Students also cannot get letterman jackets being homeschooled while the students in public school is able to get their name and their accomplishment patches on their very own letterman jacket. Each year, students are given a yearbook to look back at pictures they took with their friends and the group activities in which they were involved. There is nothing better than transporting back to the younger days while flipping back through the yearbook as an adult. Also, a certain piece of jewelry can put a smile on the face of an adult as they reminisce. Having a class ring as a souvenir is such a wonderful treasure. Graduating is such a significant accomplishment and students are going to want these memories and something to show for their achievements. Some students do not think having a diploma is not enough. It does not get better than having a class ring to go along with scholarships, letterman jackets, yearbooks, and the cap and gown. When students attend public school, they are learning  life lessons, and while they do not realize it, it pays off in the future. Knowing how to be around all kinds of different people on the daily basis is very beneficial to the students as they develop. Students that are home schooled are not around unfamiliar people, such as new students, new teachers, others that are different from them, and substitutes on a daily basis and this can affect them socially. There will be students that do not get along and students that have to work in groups who may not be too fond of each other, but being in public school will help those students learn how to cope with uncomfortable situations. In the outside world and the future workplace, there will be similar situations, and they will be able to apply the skills that they learned in school to these situations. Having social skills is not just about having friends, it is about knowing how to speak to anybody the proper way at any given time. Having good social skills and knowing how to speak is going to follow the students in their futures. For example, when they go apply for a job, and they are offered an interview right on the spot, they need to know what to say and how to say it. Home schooled students are limited while public schooled students are benefiting quite well from this daily, making public school the better place for students to get an education. A lot of people might say that having a class size of one will help the student learn better and more than the students in a classroom of an average of about twenty-eight people. However, there are a few things that the students can learn from being in a class size of more than one. Patience is one of them. In a class size of one, students are only used to being by themselves and being answered right on the spot. In classrooms of more than one, on the other hand, the students learn patience when they have to wait for their turn. They also learn how to be patient with other students. Not knowing how to be patient can create a sense of selfishness which can give them somewhat of a bad image in the real world. The students also learn how to work in groups with different people that carry different attitudes and personalities. Patience and good social skills can help get through a group project. When working in groups, it can be difficult, especially when every student of the group has t heir own ideas and do not know how to handle the situation in a cordial manner. The work has to get done, and them knowing how to work together is going to go a very long way. There may be a time when a student meets someone in public that  could give them a big opportunity. A student that knows how to speak in a professional tone instead of being shy will have a good chance of getting the chance to take advantage of that opportunity. Public school will teach more lessons than home school giving the students an advantage when it is time to handle different situations in life. Having a class size of one is okay. However, students need to learn how to work around and with others and still get their work done. Students will appreciate the memories they can create and other opportunities that they can earn from getting a public education. The educational experience is more than just learning the schools curriculum. Being home schooled can teach a student the curriculum along with basic things that they would learn at home while public education can teach more than just that such as life lessons that they will need in the future.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

ICT Industry And Employment Essay Example for Free

ICT Industry And Employment Essay Understanding the impact of information technology will greatly affect one’s choice of career path. In this world of computers, electronic data and the internet, it is more practical to consider jobs and careers that go hand in hand with IT. There are solid evidences that the ICT industry will soon be the biggest player in any world economies. In the healthcare industry, every patient data is going paperless. With the introduction of EMR or Electronic Medical Records, hospitals, patients and health professionals can easily exchange data in order to assess the best possible way to provide patients with the necessary healthcare. Computers and the internet play important roles in EMR. Meanwhile, the finance and banking industry are also going electronic by implementing e-commerce strategies. Many of them are now providing electronic banking and investment facilities that clients can easily access. This innovation saves them thousands of dollars, which could have been used for labor, facility, or marketing funding needs. On the other hand, engineering companies are also joining the bandwagon. They have set up their respective IT departments in order to integrate computers to their manufacturing and service sectors. With the availability of reliable data, engineering companies can easily decide on implementing their plans or relaying information across all departments, which will result to better productivity. So what do these evidences say? Information and Communications Technology will soon become the very backbone of any economic sectors. In fact, any industries (software, electronics, hardware, internet) related to IT are considered some of the most robust in the global economy (Stanley Labs). If one wishes to get a bright future, then investing on learning the techniques in IT will be the right approach.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Strategies for Terrorism Investigation

Strategies for Terrorism Investigation Terrorism and its investigation Counter terrorism could be characterized as the strategies and procedures that a legislature, military or insights org actualize to anticipate or counter terrorism (Legitimate). Strategy alternatives incorporate tact, engagement of the foe, financial approvals, undercover activity, security improvement and military energy. the investigator of Terrorism must have a high capacity to bear long stakeouts and observation. The accomplishment of such investigations depends generally on brainpower and investigation Interrogation The interrogation process, however, demonstrating a few advances, appears to have been generally uninfluenced by significant changes in policing, the wrongdoing issue and innovative advances made in the previous thirty years. In the primary, it is our view that advancement in police criminal interrogation exertions remains to a great extent disengaged from more extensive police deliberations to react all the more viably, all the more proficiently, and all the more fearlessly to the wrongdoing issue when all is said in done. surveying the wrongdoer from social and mental angles, the assessing suspected wrongdoers significant belonging, and counselling with law requirement authorities about a few methods when questioning guilty parties. The procedure of building a profile of an obscure guilty party commonly incorporates three stages (Snook et al., 2007). Firstly, gathering wrongdoing scene information by investigators is required and afterward the information will be sent in a profile; furthermore, the profiler begins to break down the information which comes from the wrongdoing scene; and the last step is the expectations about the identity, practices, and demographic qualities of the feasible criminal Trends It must be adaptable at all periods of the interrogation, offer data for the entire accomplice Orgs and have numerous alternate arrangements for any conceivable situation that may unfold amid the commission of any wrongdoing. Also, this is a long way from simple there are not very many interrogations where the wrongdoing has been focused on any script we have acquired at any phase of the interrogation. Offenders, including terrorists, no more work in one word they much of the time cross fringes with the expectation of abusing our shortcomings. One of those distinguished shortcomings is that police are compelled by jurisdictional limits. Furthermore, this is just sensible we would prefer not to be forcing our frameworks on a neighbouring nation any more than we would need them to force theirs on us. Australians would not endure an alternate nation letting us know how we legitimate framework ought to manage culprits, what punishments we ought to force on those that repudiate our laws. Functions While constitutions and national power block us from working past our locale, they dont block us from coordinating past our residential outskirts. On this point, the AFP goes no place without welcome and does not work singularly whatever other nation Question 2 Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act Bioterrorism represents a one of a kind test to the restorative consideration and open wellbeing frameworks. Not at all like a blast or concoction assault, has which brought about prompt and noticeable setbacks, the general society wellbeing effect of a natural assault can unfold progressively about the weather. Until a sufficient number of individuals touch base at crisis rooms and investigators business locales griping of comparative ailments, there may be no sign that an assault has occurred. The pace and exactness with which investigators and labs reach the right analyses and report their discoveries to open wellbeing powers has an immediate effect on the quantity of individuals who get to be sick and the number that pass on. The countrys capacity to react to a bioterrorist assault, accordingly, depends critically on the state of readiness of its restorative forethought frameworks and open wellbeing foundation. Open health, society have for a considerable length of time whined ab out the disintegration of the open wellbeing framework through disregard and absence of subsidizing. They caution that the country is badly prepared and inadequately arranged to react to a bioterrorist assault. For a sample, they call attention to that there is an excessively fewer therapeutic staff prepared to spot natural assets, a lack of modern research facilities to recognize the executors, and deficient supplies of medications and immunizations to neutralize the danger. They additionally battle that deficient arrangements exist for setting up isolates and crisis offices to handle the wiped out and irresistible exploited people. Enhancing open wellbeing readiness and reaction limit offers assurance from bioterrorist assaults, as well as from characteristically happening open wellbeing crises. Open wellbeing authorities are progressively worried about our introduction and defencelessness to irresistible ailment also sustenance borne ailment due to worldwide travel, pervasive nou rishment imports, and the advancement of anti-infection safe pathogens. The U.S. Patriot Act (HR 3162). Its objectives are to reinforce local security and grow the forces of law-authorization orgs as to recognizing and ceasing terrorists. The passing and replenishment of the Loyalist Demonstration have been greatly disputable. Supporters assert that its been instrumental in various interrogations and captures of terrorists, while faultfinders counter the demonstration gives the administration an excessive amount of force, debilitates common freedoms and undermines the very vote based system it looks to secure. We should investigate what the Nationalist Demonstration is the backing and feedback behind it and if the Loyalist Demonstration is truly meeting expectations. Question 3 Terrorism investigations: in both proactive and reactive circumstances. Global support and participation are crucial for improving ability to proactively explore terrorism, supporters of terrorism and the financing of terrorism and to relieve the possibility of assault. This involves an aggregate readiness amongst us to impart vital and strategic knowledge; and show an eagerness to help the assault on terrorism, paying little mind to where last results seizures captures are made. Preparing and working together are additionally vital add-ins, empowering us to better see one another, to be better at examining and following wrongdoing and to structure an imparted vision, though with distinctive underscoring structures Our prosperity cant be basically measured by the avoidance of one assault, or the capture of one terrorist. Our prosperity is a long way from being acknowledged and will just genuinely be attained in annihilating radical philosophies and imprisoning those purposes on difficult the security of our locale. In this respect, collaboration and coordinated effort with our local partners will be the discriminating segment of long haul achievement for all territorial law requirement methods from protection activity in responsive reaction. Measuring our prosperity fuses exploring our capability to enhance our connections, our organizations and our university approaches and our capacity adjust to the provincial and criminal situations that manage our future. The transnational and quickly advancing terrorism environment requires a key and worldwide thinking by every one of us governments, offices, orgs, partnerships and people. Question 4 The recommended techniques for interrogating a terrorist suspect. Law enforcement systems have a high potential for the lapse in light of the fact that lawbreakers are inspired to give false data to the police. A powerful, preparing project can help to diminish the potential for the lapse by showing investigators how to direct interrogation methods appropriately, and by helping investigators select the most fitting strategies to use with a given subject. Determination of an ideal system extraordinarily enhances the possibilities of taking in valuable data from a subject, and lessens slip rates. Normally utilized systems incorporate great investigator/terrible investigator, pride and personality down and the Reid strategy. It is paramount to have the capacity to choose the ideal method and actualize it effectively to decrease blunders. A number of strategies are powerful for picking up data from a subject amid interrogation, however a few methods work better with specific sorts of subjects than others. Great investigator/awful investigator functions admirably with youthful or unpractised subjects who are effectively scared and as of now looking for the approbation of power figures. Pride and self image down could be powerful in circumstances where a subject is liable to be glad for his criminal acts; by assaulting his conscience, he might be invited to boast about unlawful acts to vindicate himself. The Reid method is to a degree dubious, as it could be mistaken inclined. The real segment of the method is to lead a subject into an admission by giving the subject an arrangement of decisions, where the less ethically questionable decision heads to an admission. Investigators must be taught to figure out what method is proper for a given circumstance and to execute it appropriately. The choice of the right session method diminishes the likelihood of slip extraordinarily. It is likewise paramount that investigators be given considerable open door for practice with a specific end goal to flawless their methods. Anxiety positions or strategies that compel a prisoner to stay in an uncomfortable position for delayed timing of time (Ruga, 2007). These may incorporate not having the capacity to stand, needing to hold a posture, or even body suspension. In some cases shackles were joined to keep up these postures. The Focal Insights Office was approved to utilize the strategy of short shackling in 2002 at Guantà ¡namo. Short shackling is when prisoners were made to remain for forty hours in binds amid a meeting. Beatings were incorporated into interrogations to strike dread (Ruga, 2007). This was carried out through vitalize or soulless physical energy going from slaps to substantial blows. In 2002 the Focal Sagacity Office was approved to convey tummy slaps. Stomach slaps were made to be bothered and just demagogically tormenting. Temperature control is the place a prisoner is presented to amazing hotness or call for delayed timing of time. (Riga, 2007) If taken to compiling, this can include stripping the prisoner stripped or more than once splashing them in icy water. In 2003, a Bureau of Defense Memorandum approved the utilization of ecological control. This was famous in cross interrogations in Iraq and was affirmed helpful through reasons for depletion, both physically and rationally. Dangers of mischief to a prisoners companion or family were utilized (Ruga, 2007). This remaining parts a viable panic strategy to amass needed information. The military authorities would undermine to cause physical damage to the prisoner or their family and make the risk feel greatly true. Lack of sleep is utilized to make compelling weakness, bewilderment, and fleeting mental disability (Ruga, 2007). This system was approved in 2002 for utilization in Guantà ¡namo amid twenty hour cross interrogations. The military made lack of sleep by putting prisoners in anxiety positions, tactile over-burden, and consistently awakening physically. Tactile siege by the commotion and light has been utilized amid interrogations various times getting to be exceptionally prominent by The Military And Central Intelligence Agency. Strobe lights and noisy ceaseless music demonstrated to be extremely successful at the present time breaking down a prisoner. Question 5 It is basic to archive legitimately and procedure confirms appropriately so the case could be reviewed years after the fact and effectively take after the legal methodology. investigators must know how to process fatalities appropriately to save their evidentiary quality. Disappointment to take part in legitimate practices can bargain investigative conclusions and the acceptability of confirmation at trial. This article covers the essential steps terrorist-related agents and terrorist-related first responders must know to appropriately save and gather proof connected with terrorist-related victimized people. The investigator ought to be available at the investigation to counsel with the medicinal analyst, answer inquiries, aid in understandings, and gather any proof that may be found. Extra points of interest in going to such methodology are that you can quickly take any extra confirmation into authority that may be recovered, and you wont need to hold up to get the authority report to learn of the aftereffects of the post-mortem investigation. The terrorist-related investigator can exhort the therapeutic inspector on terrorist-related impacts and terrorist-related conditions so the medicinal analyst can better translate the remaining parts. Question 6 Urban Disorder The urban disorder is increasing towards progressing danger that often times require the occupation of teams and helpful investigative game plans. Albeit nearby parks are by and large inside the locale of state and city law implementation, the intersection of outskirts and particular sorts of criminal action may go under the purview of various government offices. Terrorists and posse parts do a wide scope of physical ambushes and assaults as a method for imparting alarm, including coercion and warnings to the individuals who are frank against the exercises of packs. Notwithstanding bombings, some different sorts of strikes incorporate death, grabbing, and arbitrary disorder One fundamental driver of urban savagery was white bigotry and proposed that white America bore a significant part of the obligation regarding dark revolting and resistance. It called to make new occupations, develop new lodging, and put a stop to accept isolation with a specific end goal to wipe out the damaging natures turf.. In request to do in this way, the report prescribed for government projects to give required administrations, to contract more different and touchy police drives and, most outstandingly, to put billions in lodging projects went for separating private isolation. urban disorders tend to concentrate on the part of the police and the militarization of policing strategies with respect to Dark neighbourhoods (Gilroy, 2002). Also, race and racial discrimination are seen as key information elements, as the unemployment status and social deprivation of those included are seen as interpretations of the more extensive structural subordination Federal Authority of investigation assembled and assessed data from the neighbourhood and state law requirement organizations and authorities, and directed its own particular field investigation in choosing urban References Abrahms, Max (2008). What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy . International Security (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) 32 (4): 86–89. Day, D. (2009). Exploiting Terrorist Vulnerabilities: A Law Enforcement Approach to Fighting Terrorist Organizations. Kansas: Fort Leavenworth. Dempsey, J. Forst, L. (2009). An Introduction to Policing. Kansas City, MO: Cengage Learning. Paul Chevigny,(2008). Politics and Law in the Control of Local Surveillance, Cornell Law Review

The Affirmative Action Debate Essay -- argumentative persuasive 2014

For the sake of this essay, affirmative action in education is defined as: â€Å"policies and programs designed to advance equality of educationalopportunity for individuals from groups that have suffered systematic historical discrimination† (Mickelson 29). What is being referred to here is race-based affirmative action, or the act of taking into consideration an applicant’s race in the college admissions process. This is a hot topic all over the United States and has been for quite a while, the debate raging between two sides: those in support of affirmative action and those opposed. The ethics of affirmative action itself are difficult to determine, but here an attempt will be made to prove that affirmative action is indeed unfair. In addition, perhaps people are looking at the wrong issue. Maybe the real problem is the early education gap between the minority and majority students, something that, if fixed, could solve the issue of affirmative action once and for al l. Just to make things clear, because the topic of this is race-based affirmative action, â€Å"majority† will refer to the racial majorities in college admissions (mainly whites and to some extent Asians) and â€Å"minority† will refer to racial minorities (such as African Americans, Hispanics, etc.) Also, diversity, unless stated otherwise, means racially diverse. Before any analysis can take place, it is beneficial to first know a little bit about the subject area. With that in mind, the history of affirmative action can be condensed into the basics: Supreme Court cases and major legislation. Civil Rights Act of 1964 got the ball rolling on affirmative action, both in education and in general. Title VI of this Act ordered desegregation of public educational institutions, from... .... 2008. Web. 01 Nov. 2011 Garrison-Wade, Dorothy F., and Chance W. Lewis. â€Å"Affirmative Action: History And Analysis.†Journal Of College Admission  184 (2004): 23-26.  Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. Mickelson, Roslyn A. â€Å"Affirmative Action in Education.†Ã‚  Education and Sociology: anEncyclopedia. By David L. Levinson, Peter W. Cookson, and Alan R. Sadovnik. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002. Print. Moreno, Pamela Barta. â€Å"The History Of Affirmative Action Law And Its Relation To College Admission.†Ã‚  Journal Of College Admission  179 (2003): 14-21.  Academic Search  Premier. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. Ogletree, Jr., Charles J. â€Å"The Case For Affirmative Action.†Ã‚  Stanford Alumni Association. Stanford Magazine. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. Sacks, David, and Peter Thiel. â€Å"The Case Against Affirmative Action.†Ã‚  Stanford Alumni  Association.  Stanford Magazine. Web. 01 Nov. 2011.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Triangular Structure in James Joyces Dubliners Essay -- James Joyce D

Triangular Structure in James Joyce's Dubliners Within the body of literary criticism that surrounds James Joyce's Dubliners is a tendency to preclude analysis beyond an Irish level, beyond Joyce's own intent to "create the uncreated conscience of [his] race." However, in order to place the text within an appropriately expansive context, it seems necessary to examine the implications of the volume's predominant thematic elements within the broader scope of human nature. The "psychic drama" which places Dubliners within a three-tiered psychological framework  ² desire, repression, agression  ² lies at the root of a larger triangular structure that pervades many of our most fundamental belief systems and life processes. This structure forms the basis for the tenets of some of the most grand attempts at a definition of the purpose and origin of humanity, from the holy trinity of Catholicism to Freud's theory of id, ego, and superego. Dubliners, in its own perhaps less ambitious pursuit of a certain significance of life, embodies and exemplifies similarly triangular frameworks. They are arranged concentrically, relating to both content and structure and radiating out from that central psychological triangle  ² desire, repression, aggression. It is this structural mechanism, prevalent throughout the volume, which reveals the philosophical implications of Dubliners and places it within a broader interpretive context. While it is clear that this psychic drama manifests in its entirety in nearly every individual story in the volume, perhaps more important when viewing Dubliners from a broader perspective is the notion that the three elements of this drama seem to dominate respectively within the three life stages which form the org... ...ugh a connection such as Walzl makes between ancient interpretive theory and the text of Dubliners, it becomes apparent that the previously described triangular frameworks present in the volume serve to connect it to a certain tradition of philosophy and psychology which attempts to derive the purpose and the intrinsic driving forces of human life and behavior. Numerous examples of these triangular theories exist throughout the history of thought : traditional notions of past, present, and future; Freud's theory of id, ego, and superego; Lacan's division of life into what is real, imaginary, and symbolic; Barthes' idea of sign, signifier, and signified; just to name a few. It is debatable whether or not Joyce's structural decisions had any conscious relationship to this tradition of three-level thought, yet the implications are present regardless of his intentions.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The St. Catharines Standard :: essays research papers

The St. Catharines Standard   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I choose to do my essay on the St. Catharines Standard. The Standard is the St.Catharines and Thorold area newspaper. It provides us with the local news, advertising and it keeps us in touch with what is happening all over the world. It was first owned and runned by the Burgoyne family and was printed in St. Catharines but, was sold last year to Southam Inc. and has started to be printed in Hamilton. Southam Inc. also owns other papers such as The Hamilton Spectator,The Ottawa Citizen and The Kingston Wig. Here are some questions that I have made up about The Standard and I have found the answers for them. 1. How important is The Standard to our economy?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Standard is pretty important to our economy. It provides the peoples of St.Catharines and Hamillton with jobs. It also let's the local businesses advertise their business to the people and attracts businesses to St. Catharines. Which brings money to the city. And finally, I provides St. Catharines with the daily news about the city and all over the world. 2. What is the source and type of the paper and why is it used?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Standard gets their paper from wherever they can get it the cheapest. It is Recycled Newsprint. Recycled newsprint is paper that has been previously used paper that has been shredded, de-inked and then turned into pulp so it can make paper again. This type of paper is used because its economical, lightweight, recyclable and is available world wide. 3. What is the process of making the St. Catharines Standard?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The First step in making the newspaper is in the advertising department. The workers in the advertising dept. sell space in the paper to local businesses for ads. This pays for the paper to be made. Then the ads are produced and are redied for the paper a day before it has to be made. After the ad space is sold the paper is sent up to the editorial room so they can look at the space not occupied by ads and decide what stories the need to fill up the paper. Now to make the paper! The pages are assembled and the ads and stories are cut and pasted on to boards. After that a negative is shot of the board.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

KFC Holding Malaysia Essay

KFC began with Colonel Harland Sanders who discovered his penchant for cooking when he was only 9 years old. Through the years he grew up to become a personage the world knows as Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC. He reached celebrity status in 1952, when he decided to franchise his famous Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe blends of 11 herbs and spices to the rest of America. By the early 70’s, that special recipe reached Malaysia. KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd is a branded chicken retail chain operator. KFC Holding Malaysia continues to serve finger lickin’ good, succulent pieces of chicken. The flavourful blends of 11 herbs and spices give KFC’s delicious aroma. With the chicken’s natural juices sealed-in, leaving a special mouth watering taste that cannot be replaced. KFC prides itself as a fast-food restaurant that give customers great tasting chicken with a selection of home-styled side dishes and desserts to make a wholesome, complete and satisfying meal. KFC chain of restaurants in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, KFCH operates the home-grown Rasamas chain of restaurants, the Ayamas kiosks, and the Kedai Ayamas chain of convenience stores. We are also active in poultry production and processing and a variety of ancillary business. KFC Holding operates chain of restaurants in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (532 restaurants) and the new Rasamas chain of restaurants in Malaysia (about 37 outlets).The Group also owns approximately 27 Kedai Ayamas and 4 Ayamas Depots, making us the nation’s first branded chicken and chicken-based retail chain. The company also is a part of QSR Brands Bhd (QSR Brand) where is a leading, fully-integrated quick-service restaurant enterprise and the local franchisee and operator of the KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants.QSR Brands is in turn a subsidiary of Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad, a conglomerate focusing mainly on palm oil operations, oleochemicals, biodiesel production and quick service restaurants and also is engaged in the business of poultry processing, restaurant and property holding. After a successful restructuring exercise, KFC Holding has emerged as a strong player in the Malaysian corporate world with a high reputation for excellent products, efficient friendly service and financial strength. Indeed, KFC Holding is the only KFC restaurant operator in the world whose Western Quick Service Restaurant market share is greater than that of McDonald’s.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 4

The Worst Ending Imaginable Knowing that Nikki does a big unit on Hemingway every year, I ask for one of Hemingway's better novels. â€Å"One with a love story if possible, because I really need to study love – so I can be a better husband when Nikki comes back,† I tell Mom. When Mom returns from the library, she says that the librarian claims A Farewell to Arms is Hemingway's best love story. So I eagerly crack open the book and can feel myself getting smarter as I turn the first few pages. As I read, I look for quotable lines so I can â€Å"drop knowledge† the next time Nikki and I are out with her literary friends – so I can say to that glasses-wearing Phillip, â€Å"Would an illiterate buffoon know this line?† And then I will drop some Hemingway, real suave. But the novel is nothing but a trick. The whole time, you root for the narrator to survive the war and then for him to have a nice life with Catherine Barkley. He does survive all sorts of dangers – even getting blown up – and finally escapes to Switzerland with the pregnant Catherine, whom he loves so much. They live in the mountains for a time, in love and living a good life. Hemingway should have ended there, because that was the silver lining these people deserved after struggling to survive the gloomy war. But no. Instead he thinks up the worst ending imaginable: Hemingway has Catherine die from hemorrhaging after their child is stillborn. It is the most torturous ending I have ever experienced and probably will ever experience in literature, movies, or even television. I am crying so hard at the end, partly for the characters, yes, but also because Nikki actually teaches this book to children. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to expose impressionable teenagers to such a horrible ending. Why not just tell high school students that their struggle to improve themselves is all for nothing? I have to admit that for the first time since apart time began, I am mad at Nikki for teaching such pessimism in her classroom. I will not be quoting Hemingway anytime soon, nor will I ever read another one of his books. And if he were still alive, I would write him a letter right now and threaten to strangle him dead with my bare hands just for being so glum. No wonder he put a gun to his head, like it says in the introductory essay.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bad Writing Assignment(Intentional)

An Indiana supermarket has started the next trend in do-it-yourself grocery shopping – allowing customers not only to check themselves out. But also to let themselves in. On Thanksgiving night in Goshen, the locking mechanism on its front door was not checked by someone at the store. That resulted in a dozen customers entering the store and trying to shop despite a complete absence of store employees. Normally open 24 hours a day, the doors of the store were shut at 6 p. m. on Thanksgiving evening. Store manager, Sheila Donley, said. It seems the locks on the front doors must have failed, and instead of actually sleeping off their turkey dinners or getting an early head start on Black Friday, some loyal Kroger customers decided to pick up a few extra items. † Since the locking mechanism had failed the doors were not easy to slide open, Donley said, that may have deterred others who came earlier in the evening. About 10:15 p. m. , though, one customer decided the store lo oked open. And pulled the sliding front doors apart just as several other shoppers arrived. When I arrived at the store I could see a little space between the doors, because all the lights were on inside, I just assumed the automatic opener had stopped working but I could still shop,† said, Goshen resident, Bill Terrell. â€Å"I looked for an employee to alert, I found no one and decided just to buy what I needed. † Several other late-night shoppers gathered items and went to the self-checkout lanes, seemingly oblivious to the utter lack of employees. They realized something was wrong after seeing all registers closed, Terrell said. At some point, police were called.Puzzled by the situation, a call came from a customer or a neighbor concerned about the sudden activity. Police spokeswoman, Christy Samms said, â€Å"There were definitely no signs of forced entry at all and apparently no one stole any items from the business. † She said it appeared the door’s locking mechanism had not completely engaged. At this point in time, Donley, called in by police, secured all of the entrances and sent the confused customers on their way – each with a voucher for $20 worth of Kroger-brand items on a upcoming future visit.The customers, taking it in stride, left without incident, Terrell said. â€Å"As foolish as we probably were to be out on Thanksgiving night, I guess it’s hard to complain about free food on our next trip,† he said. 1a. Original: Donley, called in by police†¦. 1b. Revision: At this point in time, Donley, called in by police†¦ (Concise Wording) 2a. Original: â€Å"There were no signs of forced entry and apparently†¦. 2b. Revision: â€Å"There were no signs of forced entry at all and apparently†¦ (Unnecessary Filler) 3a.Original: †¦and apparently no one stole from the business. † 3b. Revision: †¦and apparently no one stole any items from the business. † (Unnecessary Filler) 4a. Original: â€Å"It seems the locks on the front doors failed†¦ 4b. Revision: â€Å"It seems the locks on the front doors must have stopped working†¦ (Concise wording) 5a. Original: â€Å"I could see a little space between the doors†¦ 5b. Revision: â€Å"When I arrived at the store I could see a little space between the doors†¦ (Long Lead Ins) 6a. The doors were not easy to slide open,†¦. 6b.Since the locking mechanism had failed the doors were not easy to slide open,.. (Long Lead Ins) 7a. †¦and instead of sleeping off†¦. 7b. †¦and instead of actually sleeping off†¦ (Needless Adverb) 8a. †¦brand items on a future visit. 8b. †¦brand items on a upcoming future visit. (Redundant Words) 9a. â€Å"There were no signs of forced entry†¦ 9b. â€Å"There were definitely no signs of forced entry†¦ (Needless Adverb) 10a. †¦or getting an early start on Black Friday†¦ 10b. †¦or getting an early head start on Black Friday†¦ (Redundant Words)

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hunters in the Snow Essay

It’s really thrilling to read the short story â€Å"Hunters in the Snow† since it deals with three amazing characters namely Kenny, Tub and Frank. This short story is very interesting to read because these three hunting buddies’ characters appear as the story goes. At first, you will think if there is friendship among them, since one part of the story shows that Frank and Kenny could have helped Tub to get through the fences but they didn’t. However, in the end, you can actually see that there is more than friendship in their relationship as the story unfolds. It has been clearly seen that depending on circumstances, the three men who has balance of power among them could shift anytime since because of human nature. The story also suggests that whenever human being has been isolated in a natural setting, it is possible that they can be like animals which are primitive and predatory. The funny tragicomedy ending of the story made me laugh since they routed to a different way instead of heading to the hospital where they have to bring Kenny. Another related short story entitled â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† which is also about hunting and human nature. Here, Sanger Rainsford is the main character who has a hard heart towards the animals he hunts and for him, hunting is the best sport in the world. Zaroff, a Russian aristocrat, on the other hand is called a civilized savage since his favorite prey is man. The setting is very interesting since it has always been mysterious to go to Caribbean  island. It’s been terrifying to know that there are humans who hunt for human. I felt sad about the frightened creatures that are being killed by hunters but the worst part of the story is when Rainsford killed Zaroff as he says â€Å"I am still a beast at bay†. The story is very inhumane as I read it, because aside from killing wild animals, human has been also a target for hunting in this story. This is really the most dangerous game so to speak because it seems that killing and hunting is just their hobby. However, I have learned that the purpose of the story is to teach us that game has its own rules but when you think that it would not be fair at all, you have to think twice especially when your life is at risk.

We pursue pleasure and avoid pain. Critically evaluate this statement Essay

We pursue pleasure and avoid pain. Critically evaluate this statement and examine how it relates to at least two different theories of motivation and emotion - Essay Example While the Social Cognitive Theory considers both internal and external factors as sources of motivation, the Humanist perspective takes the internal forces of motivation to be stronger than outside motivation. The pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain can come across the central motivation of nearly everything human beings do in their lives. However, a critical examination of the statement in question shows that while the majority of cases will hold true under it, some situations will not (Higgins, 1997). This is because the definition of pain and pleasure may change from person to person depending on the nuances and influences of individual personality. Therefore, the statement is applicable in a general sense for the majority of individuals but for some the pursuit of pain may hold more pleasure than anything else. To better understand the statement and critically evaluate the same, two different theories of motivation and personality will be examined along with how they relate to the question. The theories selected for this paper are the social cognitive theory and the humanistic theory as they apply to motivation and personality. Of course a few definitions have to be laid out before the theories and their applications can be discussed. The two most important definitions for this purpose are personality and motivation. Personality itself can be defined as the collective emotional, thinking, and action patterns which are exhibited by an individual which are more or less consistent over a period of time (Miner & Dachler, 1973). Psychologists and those who study human personality have defined types of personalities and presented theories which help in placing individuals on certain scales of personality (Joy, 2004). Motivation can be defined as the internal desires, needs or wishes which are unique to all individuals in shaping their behavior to meet certain goals or objectives (Grotstein, 2001). Undoubtedly, both of these terms are related at a

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Possible Solution to Descartes' Mind-Body Problem Essay

Possible Solution to Descartes' Mind-Body Problem - Essay Example The question that remains to be asked is – if ever the mind and the body can have an interaction, then how is it possible? Descartes answer to this question is – â€Å"I was unable to give any explanation† (Descartes 1969:162). Furthermore, he contended that that this rather hypothetical interaction between the mind and the body is merely an â€Å"arbitrary† one and something that cannot be proven by science. Nevertheless, contrary to what Descartes had thought, modern science proves that the interaction between the mind and the body is not arbitrary and is supported by evidence on the effects of medications on the mind and the body as well as the James-Lange theory of emotion. The interaction between the mind and the body is not arbitrary, as Descartes has claimed. defines the word â€Å"arbitrary† as something â€Å"determined by chance, whim or impulse† or â€Å"subject to individual judgment or preference.† Th e interaction between the mind and the body, however, is not defined by chance or individual judgment but by definite cause and effect. ... In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an overdose of painkillers known as opioids would normally cause drowsiness {â€Å"Prescription Medications† 2011). An overdose of amphetamines such as Adderall may also have emotional and mental effects as well as paranoia and anxiety (â€Å"Prescription Medications† 2011). These effects prove that the physical and physiological effects of drugs have corresponding effects on the mind. The same thing is true with non-prescription drugs. Cocaine, for one, causes severe anxiety, panic, paranoid delusions, delirium, sleeplessness, hallucinations and even acute psychosis if taken in large doses (â€Å"Overdose† 2011). In a similar way, heroin can cause delirium, while metamphetamine can cause both delirium and psychosis, and marijuana can cause psychosis, hallucinations, delusions and an inability to recognize one’s identity (â€Å"Overdose† 2011). These simply prove that the mind is subject to certain changes in the physical and physiological make-up of the body – just alter the body’s physiology and you alter the mind as well. Furthermore, since scientific experiments have established this information about these effects of drugs on the health, then one is apt to conclude that the interaction between the mind and the body is causal and not merely arbitrary. Another proof of the causal interaction between the mind and the body is the James-Lange theory of emotion. If we reduced the James-Lange theory to simple layman’s terms it would sound like, â€Å"We do not run because we feel afraid, we feel afraid because we run† (Gray 1987:53). This means that whatever is experienced by the body is eventually reacted to by the mind. According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, fear or any

Monday, August 12, 2019

An Unannounced Inspection Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An Unannounced Inspection - Case Study Example Likewise, it was noted that the plant manager is not within the premises and the area where the employee who complained works is reported to be currently undergoing a major renovation for a process change for the product in the line. The Questions and Responses How would you act, what actions should you take, and what would you do? According to OSHA inspection standards, employers should be aware that inspections are regularly conducted without the need for advance notice or any presentation of warrant to inspect. In this case, an employee reported a complaint, which is one of the requirements where OSHA would be able to enter and inspect the worksite without obtaining a warrant or even the employer’s express consent. Therefore, the only expected and appropriate action that should be taken is to allow the OSHA inspector to undertake the needed inspection and to address all inquiries or questions regarding the complaint in the worksite under major renovation; with proper advice of the matter from the plant manager. One could call the authorized officer in charge of safety and the plant manager just to formally advise them that the OSHA inspector is currently at the plant and to enable one to effectively assist the inspector, as duly and lawfully required. Should you challenge the validity of the OSHA inspector's request, or their right to enter the workplace? One has not authority to challenge the validity of the OSHA inspector’s request because by virtue of law, specifically relating to â€Å"Section 5(a)(1) of the Act, known as the â€Å"General Duty Clause,† which requires that every working man and woman must be provided with a safe and healthful workplace† (Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 2002, p. 1), the disgruntled worker has the right to forward any perceived concern that could possible endanger his health and safety in the work setting. Or should you request a warrant to enter the workplace, and thereby gain some time to make sure everything is in order back in the plant? There really is nothing to hide at the plant and the OSHA inspector could even assist in recommending the most appropriate methods to ensure that safety and security of the workers are addressed; while the major renovation for a process change for the product in the line is taking place. Can you gain any time to check with your in-area safety supervisor first? Or, should you immediately comply with the request for the inspection? Explain your answers. As previously noted, one strongly believes that the policy of the organization in terms of reporting relevant incidents (including the area safety supervisor and even the plant manager) must be followed and adhered to. Doing so does not mean that one is buying extra time but following protocols and policies in reporting relevant incidents within the organization for proper approval, as needed. Scenario #2: Serious Near-Miss Crane Incident Brief Case Overview Being the EH&S pr ofessiona